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writing guides for creating a strong essay

A List Of Persuasive Essay Topics On To Kill A Mockingbird

When writing a persuasive essay, you need to think of a topic that you can write about in an argumentative style. Essentially, you may look at a particular point of view or opinion, so as to argue for or against something.

For example, if you are discussing To Kill a Mockingbird, then you may wish to look at one of the themes in the book, and discuss how important it was. Alternatively, you may wish to outline something about the book in comparison with other works, and why you think, for example, that To Kill a Mockingbird is more important.

Whilst you will often use a persuasive style of writing to talk about topics from the real world, it can be interesting and challenging to apply this technique when writing about a novel or piece of literature. However, it can sometimes be relatively difficult to think of a good topic to write about in the first place. Therefore, in order to make it easier for you to think of things to write about, the following outlines a range of different persuasive topic ideas relating to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, which you can then use or adapt for your own work.

  • The backdrop of the Great Depression is important To Kill a Mockingbird, but not critical, and the story would work if set in a variety of other eras

  • The themes of racism and discrimination are explored in fantastic detail in To Kill a Mockingbird, and it is the most important piece of literature of the early 20th century that examines this topic

  • The story would not be anywhere near as powerful without Harper Lee’s talent for writing in a narrative style

  • To Kill a Mockingbird is as powerful in its depiction of gender roles as it is in its exploration of racial discrimination

  • Every student should have read and written about To Kill a Mockingbird before they leave high school

  • To Kill a Mockingbird is the most important piece of literature to come out of America in the 20th century

  • Atticus Finch should have done more to help Tom Robinson

  • Atticus Finch should be a role model for all legal professionals

  • To Kill a Mockingbird is far superior to Go Set a Watchman

  • As good as movie annotations might be, they simply cannot compete in terms of storytelling when it comes to the original novel

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