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writing guides for creating a strong essay

24 Winning Compare And Contrast Essay Topics On History

This article offers students twenty-four outstanding compare and contrast essay topics on history which also motivates them to create an original and inventive paper that explores new or fresh thoughts on both ancient and recent history. That being said, the list of topics are divided between more recent historical events and epoch-making events which occurred during earlier centuries.

Drawing comparisons

To alleviate any early confusion, a brief, anecdotal explanation is first given on what it means to ‘compare and contrast’ about the composition of academic papers. Simply put, in the context of this list of essay topics, you will be making comparisons with a variety of historic events and or subjects and personalities that are generally closely related by way of your own explanations and/or substantiation. Your ability to research your topics extensively will reflect just how successful the reception of your final paper will be.

Ancient history vs. modern history

The first half of this random list deals with historic events from both ancient and pre-historic times. The concluding half of the list may prove to be more popular among students, writers, and their readers, mainly because of the general (and growing) interest in recent history.

  1. Neanderthal man

  2. The Iceman

  3. The Venus phenomenon

  4. Where did humanity begin; Africa or Australia

  5. North American human origins

  6. Ancient Greenland civilization

  7. Ancient China

  8. Ancient Egypt

  9. Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

  10. Ancient South American civilizations

  11. Ancient Greece

  12. Ancient colonialism and slavery

More recent and popular topics

Be brave and innovative with your choices. Don’t draw a line in the sand and be as critical as you possibly can.

  1. More recent history of colonialism and slavery

  2. Concise history of American civilization

  3. The assassinations of American presidents and civil leaders

  4. Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations

  5. The Great Depression and the New Deal

  6. The French and American revolutions

  7. World Wars One and Two

  8. The Korean and Vietnam wars

  9. America vs. Soviet Russia

  10. Kennedy vs. Nixon

  11. Bush vs. Clinton

  12. Bush vs. Gore

This short article has outlined a list of no more than twenty-four comparative essay writing topics related to history, both ancient and in more recent times. The purpose of this list is also to encourage students to expand on the given suggestions and/or persist with their own search for new ideas in order to create something original and which will attract the interest of potential or designated readers.

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